Are You $10k $10,000Or More In Debt?

If so, you may be eligible to reduce your monthly payments - without bankruptcy. Click below to see if you qualify for Canada Debt Assistance...

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You May Qualify To

Reduce Repayments

Reduce monthly repayments to an affordable level

Consolidate Payments

Make one monthly payment for all of your debts

Freeze Interest

Save thousands in interest and charges on your debt

Avoid Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy should only be a last resort - learn your options

monthly payments

freeze interest & Charges

bank- ruptcy

consolidate debts into
1 mONTHLYpayment

Your Options

Consumer Proposal

A consumer proposal is a formal arrangement between you and your creditors, governed by Federal legislation. It will allow you to repay a percentage of what you owe, freeze interest and stop collection calls and wage garnishment.

Consolidation Loan

A consolidation loan, also known as "debt consolidation", is where you replace all of your debts with a larger loan, typically at a lower interest rate. The advantage to this option is that it will not affect your credit rating, however it does require good credit.

Debt Settlement

As in a consumer proposal, debt settlement can help reduce your monthly payments as well as the principle on what you owe. However, since it is not legally binding, your creditors are not obligated to accept the proposed settlement agreement.

Credit Counselling

Another informal agreement, credit counselling allows you to make just one monthly payment. You will be able to reduce or eliminate interest, however this option does not allow you to reduce the principal, as with other options.


An achievable budget is an essential tool to leading a debt free life. If you feel as though you are starting to fall behind with your finances or want to find effective ways to manage your money, we can help.

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